Friday, March 13, 2015

Training Brownie

Some dogs are easy to train. Some people have a knack for training dogs. We have found it difficult to fine-tune our training for Brownie. I am no expert, and the hubs works long, odd hours - making it hard to get in some good training time.

 I will say this for Brownie: she is SWEET. I have 3 kiddos, and never once has she growled, barked, or nipped/bitten the kids. Miss O is in her face, and the Abster is constantly crawling in her kennel trying to take over. Brownie puts up with it, or just moves somewhere else.

 The potty thing has been an occasional issue for us - we do not have a backyard for her to regularly go out and do her potty thing at her leisure. We have to take her out on a leash, and she doesn't always want to take care of all her bathroom business if you know what I mean.  We feel that if she had a backyard to regularly run around in, the potty issue would stop.

 A few things Brownie can typically do;
 -stay (needs improvement)
 -the wait game (I hold a treat out, before she goes to eat it, I tell her "wait" - she patiently waits until I say "good girl", at which point she gently takes the treat from me and eats it)
 -wait to exit/enter the home last - the rest of the family goes first

Did I mention how much this dog loves to play?! Probably not - she LOVES to play. We are always trying new toys to keep her engaged and happy, and she loves to play with us in the living room and run around in circles. It is hilarious.

 To my own defense, (not that I feel the need to justify with you folks) I was pregnant with baby #3 when we got Brownie. It is not easy to be super sick, have 2 kids under the age of 3, nanny twin babies, and take care of a very needy dog. (needy in the beginning, anyway)

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